
During university I specialised in branding and identity; I have continued to develop my branding passion within my work life – exploring web design, logos and photography!

Below are a range of projects that look into the development of the Brand and Identity of a bussiness.


We developed the brand Base as a team at MK9 Design studio but the initial idea was mine. Base was created to brand a search engine that would be used within the consruction industry.

My idea was to create something that repesented both sides of the company; tech and construction. The squares were to be interpreted as either building blocks or pixels.

MK9 Logo Design

One of my first tasks while working within the MK9 design studio team was to re-design the company logo. This was a long process where I came up with a range of ideas and visuals until my team were happy! To read my blog on the process of re-desiging the logo click here.

London Irish abortion rights campaign

This was a university project where I choose to create posters for the London-Irish Abortion Rights Campaign. This was a cause I cared strongly about for wanted to create imagery that had a punchy effect on the audience.

MK9 Social Media

At MK9 Design Studio I was able to create and manage content for the marketing of the company. This content was posted on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedInn with the aim of inspiring our followers while also attempting to entice potential clients into working with us. The content needed to be fresh, fun and engaging, here are some of my favourite posts!


At my time working for adam I was able to help develop the brand’s identity. I worked closely with the marketing department to make content that pushed the brand forward with fresh and modern material.

To view my editorial work for adam click here. 

The Happy Postman

When studying away from home I was often sent care packages from my parents containing presents that would make my life more comfortable. So for this uni project I was inspired to create and design care packages that mirrored the experience I was used to having.

This project lead to a lot of experimentation with patterns and packaging; looking back I found that this is where I first started to explore my signature style of bold block colours and vector graphics.


Are you looking for a Graphic Designer to help your with a project? I would love to hear from you, please get in contact below.


Are you looking for a Graphic Designer to help your with a project? I would love to hear from you, please get in contact below.